Staying in Asheville right now and it is incredible. If it’s not an art gallery, it’s a coffee shop or a tea house or a recycled clothing store. There are other travelers from all over – many of them also couch surfing. Many of the local artists have studios in an area by the river and the studios are all wide open – you can just walk in and start chatting with them!
Also, it has been high 70s and beautiful all week, so everyone just sits around outside soaking up the sun.
Some really cool interior architecture in the Grove Arcade building
An alleyway downtown that really caught my eye
There are a surprising number of young kids here – apparently it’s a good place to raise a family.
There are dozens of talented guitar players on the streets in Asheville… I feel as if they must have made some deal with a crazy mountain man (of which there are also dozens) and traded their souls for a magic guitar pick or something.