Grand Central Station

Continuing on the theme – or rather the question – of motion, I went to Grand Central today. Here are people who are certainly traveling but who often must sit idly by for hours in order to do so.

(I love this one as a finished piece – the composition is really cool)

I made the mistake of trying to leave Grand Central around rush hour and the subways were packed. Lucky for me I have no real place to be, so I just sat in the station and drew until things cleared out a bit

A few notes artistically, in case anyone is paying attention. I’ve started doing under drawings in pencil instead of going straight to pen. I find it helps the proportions and also allows me to use the pen on shadowed contours exclusively. I’ve also been using flatter washes – I was exaggerating the shadows and highlights to the point where it was distracting I think. And I’ve switched from that $150 pen I got for Christmas back to the $5 dip quill I was using before because I find the line more expressive. Oops (-:

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