I arrived in DC last night and will be staying here until tomorrow afternoon. My impression of the city is that it is immaculate! The subway is so clean and beautifully styled. The socioeconomic / racial tensions and divisions seem greater here and it’s clear that I’m nearing the south
I’m staying at an art house known affectionately as Thug Mansion. Here’s a view from the porch:
And a few of one of the house cats:
But I didn’t come all this way just to draw cats! Onwards to the Mall
And the other tourists:
This one of three kids on the steps outside the National Gallery is actually my favorite piece I have made in a while. I also spent some time inside the gallery sketching statues. They only allow pencil, so the photos didn’t come out that well.
That’s all for today! Tomorrow I head to Virginia, and then hopefully North Carolina next week (if I can find a place to stay!).